Monday, June 28, 2010

Youth Involvement

Hello everyone:

I hope to post more in the future, but for now I will write briefly on youth involvement.

While I generally do not separate people by age-- the last time I checked such things, I noticed I have friends from age 9 to 85-- I think Camosun bog a is wonderful community (ecological and social) for young people. I see Camosun bog as a safe place where youngsters can learn about nature. Furthermore, youth Crazy Boggers are learning from mentors as well as acting as mentors. I think mentorship can have lifelong positive impacts on those involved, with positive effects on their intellectual and emotional development. The physical exercise for restless youngsters is also an asset of bog restoration; for example, the pulling out of roots and old stumps can get a teenager's endorphins rushing ("happy hormones" at this age are a plus!).

Anyways, while there are many other ways I think the bog benefits young people, I would like to pass the following question over to others:

How do you think being a Camosun Bogger positively impacts the lives of youth?